Thank You, Ruby Rogues

So I’ve finally caught up with all the old Ruby Rogues episodes. At this point there are 283 episodes in total, each about an hour long. I started listening to the podcast around the beginning of 2016, so that means I listened to at least an hour of Ruby Rogues everyday. It’s no wonder that I can vividly replay Chuck Maxwood, the host of the show, and other long-time panelists’ voices and laughters in my head.

First of all, I would like to thank Chuck, panelists, guests, and the other staff who brought this show together and who are still keeping this show going over 5 years. It’s hard to describe how tremendously valuable this show has been to me, and how grateful I am for its existence.

I was a self-taught Ruby on Rails developer who had to figure out everything on the job without any time to study or any guidance from more experienced developers. I did learn a lot from great books and great blog posts, but they are written with narrow focus on teaching particular techniques or theories. And that was not enough for me. I felt lost, and I needed something more, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

Only after I started listening to the Ruby Rogues did I understand what I needed. I was thirsting for a broader perspective on computer science and software industry provided by more experienced developers. I was lost in the deep woods of code, and the podcast provided a bird’s eye view so that I could see the geography and history of software development in general.

Ruby Rogues was perfect for me. It was about Ruby, a technology I was working on, so I could empathize with the concerns and experience of the panelists. Plus, everyone on the podcast showed a friendly and enthusiastic attitude so it was easy to approach. I could tell that they cared about the stuff and the people they were talking about. Well, except for that one episode with DHH, who’s definitely passionate but doesn’t seem to be a friendly sort. Moreover, the podcast had a diverse cast of panelists and guests who had different backgrounds and diverging perspectives on many issues. Lastly, it had the right mixture of technical details of Ruby, computer science in general, hiring and organizational culture, and development methodologies.

Sometimes I still feel lost. I still depair from time to time at how shitty I am. But thanks to Ruby Rogues, now I know where I am, where should I go, how to get there, and what to expect once I arrive there. For that guidance, I’ll be forever grateful.

Thank you very much, Chuck. Thank you, panelists, guests, and the staff of Ruby Rogues. You’re the best.